Doctoral Research Fellowship in Music History

A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Musicology is available at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo.

The Department of Musicology, University of Oslo, welcomes applications for one doctoral fellowship in musicology. The successful candidate will work on an independent research project in the field of music history before 1900. The position is open with regard to time period in the given framework, geographic area (not restricted to the Western world), and musical genre or tradition. Applications with one or more of the following themes are especially encouraged:

  • inter- and transcultural music history,
  • sound and sensory studies,
  • issues of oral and written transmission.

We seek a candidate with the potential to develop the discipline thematically and methodologically. They will be expected to complement and contribute to the strong research profile of our department. The candidate will be supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Judith I. Haug.

Applicants are required to submit a project proposal for PhD fellowship, stating research questions, theoretical framework, and methodological approaches.


Doctoral Research Fellowship in Music History

University of Oslo, Department of Musicology

NO-0875 Oslo

Bewerbungsfrist:bis zu folgendem Datum
