Ru­ben Ver­naz­za (Uni­ver­sità di Pa­ler­mo): "Ope­ra ita­li­a­na ed esi­lio ri­sor­gi­men­ta­le nel­la Pa­ri­gi deg­li an­ni Tren­ta dell'Ot­to­cen­to"

Contrappunto | Modern History & Music History Talks



Please join us for our next (online) talk of the cross-disciplinary seminar series "Contrappunto | Modern History & Music History Talks" at the German Historical Institute (DHI) in Rome:

Thursday, 3 March 20225:00 PM.

The talk can be attended via livestream. For registration, please send an e-mail to:  *** The deadline for registration is 2 March 2022. ***

For further details on the series and future events, please visit the DHI website: (or just: