The Next Nor­mal: IDEAs for the Fu­ture of the Per­for­ming Arts

A free virtual symposium featuring leading artists and presenters examining inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism in the performing arts industry



On April 27, The Peabody Institute is hosting a free, virtual symposium, the third installment of the Next Normal symposium series. This event will invite participants to share their collective knowledge in examining these questions, with a focus on overcoming barriers and elevating solutions:

How might we reimagine the performing arts industry and performing arts training in order to advance racial equity in the field, broaden and diversify the range of creative voices heard and seen on our stages, and build expanded audiences that fully reflect the diversity of current and future communities?

Presentations and panel discussions will be facilitated by leaders in the field including participants from the Los Angeles Philharmonic's YOLA Center, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Center Stage, the Juilliard School, and more.

It is free to attend; registration is required. Additional information and details are available at